Lovelace Community Staking Pool
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 | |       / _ \  \ \ / /  / _ \ | |  / _` |  / __|  / _ \                 
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 | |      | (_) | | (_) | | |                                              
 |_|       \___/   \___/  |_|  join us on telegram

No fee, community supported, Cardano staking pool -- No joke, 100% free (as in beer) FOREVER.
- I'd rather decom the pool than charge a margin fee.

About me:
Really good at all things infrastructure (servers, network, storage, etc...)
Not so good at marketing or making pretty websites.

Pool Details:
Ticker: LCP
Pool ID: bcc34d3c45cd3b8770c75c91c3023a9146aa505c4bd5cf094dae9acc
Relay Node Locations: Canada(East), France, Germany
Relay Node Hardware: 2 x Xeon Physical Servers and 2 x Virtual Servers
Primary Producer Node Hardware: Xeon Physical Server
Secondary Producer Node Hardware: Xeon Physical Server

Pool Stats:
Live Stake: ADA
Costs: % + ADA
Blocks in epoch:
Blocks Lifetime:
Return (10 epochs): %
Return (lifetime): %
Pledge: ADA

(stats provided by CEX Explorer -- thank you!)