Quick and dirty -- create account get testnet ADA ###################
# HERE BE FUN DRAGONS -- last updated ~ Thu Oct 3 23:10:03 UTC 2019

# *NOTE*
# these instructions have only been tested on linux machines

# You will need to have setup your node for this... sort of -- Setup Shelley Node

# create an a dir, a var, and the account
mkdir ~/pub_testnet01/accounts
cd ~/pub_testnet01/accounts
jcli key generate --type=Ed25519Extended > account.sk
cat account.sk | jcli key to-public > account.pk
jcli address account $(cat account.pk) --testing > account.addr

# view your account address
cat account.addr ca1.......

# now head on over to the testnet faucet and request ADA
# - Click THIS LINK
# - enter the contents of account.addr into the faucet
# - this can take a few minutes

# check to see if your account received ADA from the faucet
# - *note* if you are running into THIS ISSUE you will not see updates to your account # - if your node isn't updating and you restart you'll get the latest blocks in batch
jcli rest v0 account get $(cat account.addr) -h ${APIURL}
counter: 0
  pools: []
  value: 10000000000

# now you haz ADA -- Enjoy!

# NEXT STEP: Create a stake pool!

# The Lovelace Community Pool is a no fee staking pool run by @kyleo
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